Mandala5 mins 43sec
Genre: Short, Dance, Fantasy, Experimental Director/ Choreographer/ Editor/ Dancer: Tytus Bergstrom Synopsis:
At birth, we are born perfect and whole. As life goes on, we split off into many distracted feelings and thoughts. 'MANdala' is an experimental visual story of the struggles of a Man against his own internal villains and seductions, in an attempt to be whole again. The buddhistic mandala is made by monks with sand, then dissolved after completion to show the impermanence of all things. In this case, the mandala is built out of body parts. The spiritual journey takes place through dance, with 'waving' as the main dance style, combined with 2D animation of the dancing body. The use of intricate and unusually hypnotic, kaleidoscopic visuals creates a meditative experience. Without dialogue, each observer is open to find their own interpretation of the journey. |